February 22, 2007

Friday Cat Blogging - the Don't Bother Me Edition

February 21, 2007


I've heard that everything happens for a reason,
That it's time to get on with my life.
I'm supposed to fight it,
Not let it beat me.

But there is no enemy here.
No foe to conquer
Nor victory to be won.
There is only me
Enduring loss.

February 2007

February 03, 2007


What can I say about winter that a thousand poets
haven't said before?
Shall I mention the bitterly cold air?
The snow that muffles sound?
The branches of trees stark against the colorless sky?
My bed warmed by my beloved and a cat?
What can I say about winter that a thousand poets
haven't said before?
That I love my life this winter day.

February 2007